It doesn’t matter what ails you, we all face that tough decision about whether to go into work or not. If we go into work, we risk reduced productivity, spreading any potential virus to colleague, and making it a whole lot worse for ourselves. If we don’t go into work, we risk falling behind and judgement from others. So, what is the solution?

Stay healthy

The obvious solution is to stay as healthy as you can. It sounds obvious, but you would be surprised at how many employees and executives don’t heed this message and look after themselves. We all want to succeed, and the temptation to “power through” our illnesses is ever present. It’s not, however, conducive to a good work environment.

  • Get enough rest. This may seem obvious, but again it’s surprising how few people do it. Leave your late nights for the weekend, and when you are tired, go to bed. Resist the urge to finish up that last piece of work you were doing on your laptop, or cut your favourite box set a couple of episodes short. It’s a small sacrifice to make for a healthier lifestyle. If you have trouble sleeping earlier, try some natural and traditional remedies like lavender drops on your pillow.
  • Drink lots of water. Staying hydrated in all weather is important. It helps with better kidney function that works to rid the body of toxins, it delivers oxygen around the body, lubricates your joints, maintains your blood pressure and dissolves essential minerals in your body making them easier to digest and use. In summary, water keeps you healthy!
  • Eat a balanced diet. Make sure you are getting enough of everything you need in your diet. Lay off the overly fatty foods, eat more fruits and vegetables and stay away from too many processed foods and too much alcohol.
  • Get some exercise. Make sure you’re getting at least the government recommended amount of daily exercise to keep your body functioning properly and to help maintain a healthy weight.

If you do these things you will quickly find that you actually don’t need to take much time off work sick anyway. You will also have an immune system that is better prepared to tackle those of your colleagues who continue to come to work and sneeze all over you!

When you must stay at home

  • When you have a cold or flu virus that is easily spread to your co-workers.
  • If you are vomiting or have diarrhoea it is simply impractical to go to work, and you may make yourself much worse. Stay at home, rest and stay hydrated.
  • If you are suffering the side effects of any medication you are taking that may effect your work or put others at work at risk of injury.

Is working from home an option?

If you have a contagious sickness, but you are still able to work effectively, it may be an option to work from home if your company could use you. It doesn’t suit everyone, but for short term work it’s often the easiest way not to fall behind or miss deadlines. But only as long as you are physically capable. In some cases you’re simply not well enough to work. You must make this clear if you are requested to work from home, so your company can make alternative arrangements to get work complete. It’s better to do this than to let them and yourself down.

Looking for temporary staff?

If you are an employer looking for temporary staff to cover extended illness or anything else, NSP Recruitment can help. We have a very good record of successfully placing suitable candidates with a role within 24 hours in some cases!

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